Plagiarism-Free Guarantee

Elite Dissertation Help guarantees that your paper will be 100% unique and authentic. We are committed to providing our clients with original papers and plagiarism-free content. Hence, our writers are trained to write custom papers from scratch. Each paper is completed according to the customer’s specified instructions and is exclusively custom-tailored to meet each client’s specific needs. We do not use pre-written papers or rewrite information from other students’ projects or published papers. Additionally, we properly cite every source of information used in the writing of the paper using the specified referencing style, such as APA, MLA, or Harvard. To ensure the work is plagiarism-free, we scan each paper completed by our writers with Turnitin, the industry-standard plagiarism-detection software. Hence, you can be sure the delivered paper will pass the plagiarism check at your college, university, or journal.

How do we ensure writers produce plagiarism-free content?

Our company does not accept plagiarism of any kind- both intentional and unintentional. Intentional plagiarism is knowingly presenting someone else ideas as your own, such as copying or rewriting an entire or part of the paper written by someone else, deliberately failing to credit the sources of information, and re-using your research or previously submitted paper (self-plagiarism). On the other hand, unintentional plagiarism occurs when one does not cite the sources correctly, fails to cite the paraphrased information, or paraphrases incorrectly (rearranging the author’s sentences and changing a few words instead of presenting the information in your own unique style). We have established a strict policy against plagiarism for our writers and take strict actions against any writer when we detect plagiarism in the written content.

We consistently check papers for plagiarism before they are delivered to our customers. This is done to ensure every piece of written academic work is plagiarism-free and upholds academic integrity. We understand the consequences of turning in a plagiarized paper and we do all it takes to avoid putting our customers at risk. Also, plagiarism puts our writers and the company in bad light from a business perspective. You can be sure that our plagiarism-free guarantee is not something we take lightly and will do everything necessary to maintain our reliability and your trust, loyalty, and satisfaction.

The following items are not considered to be plagiarism:

  • Title page, table of contents, references/works cited/bibliography, & appendices.
  • Headings or any other relative information provided by the Customer and requested to be a part of the project.
  • Direct quotations and in-text citations are correctly formatted.
  • Standard phrases and/or idioms that are commonly used.
  • Title of works mentioned in the text.

Plagiarism is considered an academic issue with serious consequences when its level exceeds 10% excluding the above-mentioned items. At Elite Dissertation Help, we guarantee that the level of plagiarism for the delivered paper will be less than 5% every time.


The plagiarism-free guarantee does not cover orders for editing, proofreading, and formatting services. We cannot and will not be liable for the originality of papers that are not written by us and do not take the responsibility of making them plagiarism-free. In case you suspect your paper provided for the above services has plagiarized content or would like us to correct plagiarism for you, we provide such a service at an affordable fee. A Turnitin originality report is provided along with the corrected paper.

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