Substantive Editing Service

Manuscript Editing

Substantive editing

Many researchers submitting to journals expedite the submission process by receiving professional editing ahead of submission to their target journals. Editing ensures that all grammar, spelling, mechanics, style, punctuation, flow, and phrasing issues are identified and corrected. Elite Dissertation Help is a trusted name in academic editing and helps authors to submit the best version of their manuscripts thereby increasing their chances of acceptance and publication in their target journals. Our experts assist in manuscript editing to improve the logical structure of the journal article and research results, flow, and presentation. We also polish the language of your manuscript to improve its overall quality for the best chances of acceptance and publication. Our editing service guarantees that your manuscript is not rejected on the basis of poor language, structure, or presentation. If you are planning to submit to a journal and are expecting multiple changes or revisions before submission, then our substantive editing is the right service for you.

What the Service Covers

Checking the manuscript’s language for grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and punctuation.
Checking for correct scientific terminology and appropriate use of units of measurement, symbols, and variables.
Rephrasing and revising sentence structure or syntax.
Improving word choice, clarity, flow, and logical presentation of the authors’ thoughts.
Checking the writing style to make it consistent, logical, and conform to a chosen standard.
Improving the manuscript’s organization and quality.
Formatting according to your designated style guide or the specifications of your target journal.
Word count reduction by up to 20% if your manuscript exceeds the limit of your target journal.

Benefits of Our Substantive Editing

Two levels of editing

The manuscript is reviewed by two experienced editors to ensure logical flow, structure, and overall presentation of your paper. The editors will also assess the journal submission readiness of your manuscript. Our editors are all native English speakers from US, UK, Australia, and Canada with master’s or PhD qualifications.

Unlimited re-editing

We will edit your paper unlimited times within 90 days after delivery until you are satisfied with the manuscript. We offer free multiple rounds of re-editing with no restriction on the extent of changes you can make to your paper. You can review or revise sections based on our advice and resubmit to us for a recheck and re-editing by the same editors.

Plagiarism check

We will use Turnitin to generate a similarity report to help you prevent unintentional plagiarism and thus possible rejection by your target journal. The similarity report highlights texts in your manuscript that might get flagged by the journal for plagiarism and helps to identify sections that need rework before submission.

Cover letter

Our experienced editors will write a cover letter based on our manuscript that highlights your research. The cover letter helps to engage your target journal editors by sharing the value, novelty, and unique contributions of your research so that they can consider your paper for publication in their journal.

Certificate of editing

Many journal editors at top academic journals require an editing certificate from ESL authors at the time of manuscript submission to verify the document has been edited by a professional English language editor. We issue such certificates upon request to enable a seamless submission journey for researchers whose native language is not English.

Delivery & Pricing

Turnaround timePrice (USD)*
7 days$400

*The price and turnaround time for substantive editing shown above are for manuscripts containing up to 7500 words. For larger manuscripts, please request a customized quotation.

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