Unintentional Plagiarism
Most universities use plagiarism detection software such as Turnitin or SafeAssign to check your work against other sources, including academic databases, websites, and papers previously submitted by other students. These tools help to identify areas of overlap between your paper and existing works. They generate a report detailing the percentage of your content that matches existing sources, known as similarity score or index. When you run your final draft through plagiarism detection software, you will always get some texts and sentences that match other existing works despite your best efforts at paraphrasing and synthesizing content from original sources. This is not a problem provided that your similarity index is less than 10%. If the plagiarism score of your paper is higher than this, you will need to do plagiarism removal.
Generally, a score of less than 10% can represent and is widely considered plagiarism-free work. However, regulations and requirements differ between universities. Some universities allow up to 30% similarity index in longer papers, such as theses and dissertations. This is because the plagiarism detection tool will flag similarities in items such as title page, table of contents, some headings (like problem statement, research questions, or definition of key terms), direction quotations, in-text citations, and standard phrases. If your paper exceeds the plagiarism score allowed by your university, you will need to rewrite and paraphrase the affected content to lower the similarity index.

Plagiarism Removal Service
Does your dissertation or research paper have a similarity index of more than 10%? Are you looking for assistance with correcting your draft to reduce the plagiarism score without altering your writing style or original meaning? Then you have come to the right place! Elite Dissertation Help provides professional help with rewriting and paraphrasing plagiarized texts in your paper to remove plagiarism from your content. We will assist in fixing the affected texts to reduce the extent of text overlap or similarity between your paper and suspected sources without changing your ideas or meaning.
The service is ideal for students whose dissertations have a high plagiarism score or the content has a high similarity index with texts from the sources used in their research for reference. Our team of writers and editors has accumulated vast experience in rewriting, editing, and proofreading lengthy research documents. They are aware of university-specific rules and regulations adopted by different institutions, which give them an edge in producing academically compliant and publication-worthy documents. Our experts are willing and eager to work with you in correcting your document to lower the similarity index and make it plagiarism-free. Contact us today for a personalized experience in removing plagiarism from your dissertation.
Advantages of Our Plagiarism Removal Service
How Much Will It Cost?
Generally, the cost of removing plagiarism is calculated based on the similarity index of your work. For instance, if you have a 100-page dissertation (excluding the preliminary pages, references, and appendices) with a similarity score of 35%, we will charge the amount for rewriting 30 pages (0.3*100). The prices for rewriting are indicated on the pricing page. If you don’t have a plagiarism score, we can generate a Turnitin report for you.