Pre-Submission Peer Review Service

Pre-Submission Review

Our pre-submission peer review service is aimed at evaluating the suitability of a manuscript for publication. Our editors comprehensively review and provide in-depth comments on your manuscript so that you can quickly see and fix problematic areas before submission. Also, we evaluate your paper to determine its scientific adequacy and provide suggestions to improve the manuscript before submission to your target journal. We provide a peer review report with detailed feedback so that you can fix the identified problems, scientific errors, and missing or inaccurate references as well as enhance your manuscript before submission! With our service, you will be able to eliminate major reasons for manuscript rejection.

Pre-submission peer review

Our experts validate the clarity of your research presentation, organization, research content, the strength of evidence, conclusion, and data analysis. Our reviewers will help to check if the background study is logical and sound and if the references are updated. Also, the expert will spot any technical errors or flaws in the study design, research questions, methodology, and results presented. Further, the expert will provide constructive comments where there is ambiguity and need improvement or refining. We also consider the writing and content structure, logical flow of text, and grammar.

Our Peer Review Process

Our review process and standards are similar to that of major top journals and thus increase the chances of receiving favorable comments from the journal editors and getting your paper published. This service is especially useful for researchers looking for publication in top rated journals. Our experts will examine each element of the research paper, as well as its structure and presentation. Some of the issues addressed are;

Is the title clear and catchy to draw the attention of the reader?
Does the abstract adequately represent the contents of the paper?
Is the Introduction/background sound and logical as a context for the study?
Are the research questions and/or hypotheses framed appropriately?
Is the study design used sound and addresses the research problem?
Is the methodology described in detail?
Is the data collected & data analysis adequate and are the results presented correctly?
Has the discussion been made in relation to the published literature?
Do the conclusions clearly reflect the salient findings of the study?
Are the references updated and adequate?
Is the paper presented, organized, and structured properly?

Benefits of Our Peer Review

Constructive comments

We will provide constructive comments and suggestions in “track change” mode to improve the quality of your manuscript and minimize revisions from your target journal.

Review report

Get a peer review report with detailed feedback to address identified problems to maximize your chances of success, save you from rejection, and make it easy to get published faster.

Free rechecks

You can send the revised manuscript after addressing the feedback and suggestions provided by the reviewer for a free recheck by the same expert.

Pricing & Delivery

No. of reviewersTurnaround timePrice (USD)*
1 reviewer7 days$350
2 reviewers7 days$650
3 reviewers7 days$900

*The prices and turnaround time for peer review shown above are for manuscripts containing up to 7500 words. For larger manuscripts, please request a customized quotation.

Disclaimer: This service does not guarantee the acceptance of your manuscript for publication but it guides you to improve the quality of your manuscript.

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