Elite Dissertation Help

Expert Help with Undergraduate, Master’s & PhD Research

Get professional assistance at any stage of your research- from topic development to oral defense presentation and/or publication.

Journal Paper
Concept Paper
Conference Paper

How it Works

1. Fill out the order form

Submit the required details about your paper through the form such as the topic, the number of words/pages, and the deadline.

2. Make a secure payment

Pay for your order using any of our secure payment platforms – You may use PayPal, debit/credit card, or do a wire transfer.

3. Get the perfect writer

We will select the most suitable writer with relevant qualifications and experience for your paper among our team of experts.

4. Quality review & delivery

Your paper is reviewed by an editor and sent to the email address provided while placing the order. Download and review your paper.

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Our Primary Services

Research Help

Writing an extended piece of research such as a dissertation or thesis is a long and arduous task. It requires proper planning, research, writing, and multiple rounds of editing. If you are worried about how you are going to complete your research project, we completely understand. The unique academic writing demands and expectations can be overwhelming to many students. Others are limited by factors such as work responsibilities and time. Our experts can help if you are struggling with completing your research and having it approved.


Every written work has some errors which lower its quality. The last thing you would want after investing significant time in your paper is to have errors that will affect how your research project will be received. Editing your paper helps in ensuring that the written content is clear, comprehensible, and free from grammatical, structural, and logical errors. Our editing service helps to ensure your research paper is presented in the best possible light and that it follows all relevant grammar, language, referencing, and formatting guidelines.

Data Analysis

Proper data analysis is an important aspect of achieving valid results and conclusions in any research. Hence, it is advisable to engage a professional data analysis service if you are having problems with analyzing your data, are not conversant with the specific software required to analyze your data, or have limited analysis skills. Our data analysts will help you have complete, well-analyzed, and well-formatted research findings that will illustrate the relevance of your research and satisfy committee members, reviewers, and readers.


Rewriting an already-written piece of work is not as straightforward as it seems. This is because the rewritten content should be clear, accurate, and retain the original meaning. The lack of adequate time to plan and come up with a quality write-up or lack of proper paraphrasing skills can make one produce a low-quality paper that is not comprehensible at all and has plagiarized content. We offer expert help with paraphrasing and rewording the content in a more professional manner while ensuring the original meaning is not altered.

Corrections as per feedback

In most cases, students will receive feedback from their committee or supervisors when they submit their drafts. Your Chair or supervisor will send the draft with comments on areas that should be corrected or aligned with the school-provided template or rubric. We know that most students have other responsibilities or lack the time to address these comments and resubmit in time. That is why we offer comprehensive help with addressing the Chair’s comments. You can avoid frustrations and multiple revisions by letting our experts handle such requests.


It is important to review your paper after you are done with writing and editing since you may have overlooked some writing mistakes. Proofreading is the last stage that any paper goes through before submission and which can make a great difference in improving its quality. Our proofreading service will help in picking any writing mistakes such as grammatical, spelling, punctuation, inconsistencies, and other language mistakes that may negatively impact the quality of your paper. We will polish your final draft to ensure it is free of errors.


Formatting refers to a set of standards that guide how a paper should look, including font, margins, headings, referencing, tables, figures, pagination, and so on. There are various formatting styles used in academic writing, such as APA, MLA, Harvard, and Chicago among others. Before submitting your paper, it is extremely important to ensure it is formatted well. Our formatting service will help to ensure your paper follows the required format style per the university or journal guidelines and is presented in an appropriate way for the academic audience.

Plagiarism Correction

Academic research papers are usually run through plagiarism-detecting software, such as Turnitin and SafeAssign before they are accepted. Hence, it is important to check for the originality of content and reduce the similarity index to acceptable levels (usually 10% and less) before submission. We are aware that correcting plagiarism on your own can be quite a handful because of familiarity with your work, fatigue, and lack of time. Our plagiarism correction service helps students to check and remove plagiarism from their papers.

Defense Presentation

A good presentation helps you with your oral defense. It keeps your data organized, while visually looking good, and provides a flow structure for the rest of your presentation. Also, it gives you cues on what to say and helps to capture the panel’s attention. Our defense preparation help experts will prepare a PowerPoint presentation that concisely summarizes the key sections of your research, such as aims, objectives, hypotheses & findings. We help to prepare all types of presentations, from proposal defense to poster presentations.

Our Advantage

Elite Dissertation Help offers many great features that are unmatched by any other academic writing and editing platform that you will find online. Here are a few benefits that you will enjoy when you use our services.

Certified Experts

We have 250+ native English writers & editors. Each specialist is verified, put through multiple tests, and trained before joining our team.

On-time Delivery

We can meet strict deadlines and we guarantee delivery of your paper within the urgency you select while placing the order.

Fully Confidential

We care about our customers’ privacy and never divulge or share your personal details and documents with third parties.

24/7 Support

Our services are available around the clock. You can contact our support agents via live chat, phone, email, and social media platforms at any time of the day and night.

Free Extra Features

You don’t pay for the title page, table of contents, list of tables/figures, bibliography, appendices, or formatting of your paper, among other extra features when you use our services.

Attractive Discounts

We offer multiple discounts to students who opt for our services. You will get a 10% discount on your first and subsequent orders. We offer up to 30% discount to returning customers.

Secure Payments

We process all payments through PCI DSS Level 1 gateways to ensure the maximum safety of your debit/ credit card data.

No Hidden Charges

All charges or costs that you might think of are already included in the final price. Hence, there are no unpleasant surprises during checkout.

Plagiarism-free papers

All papers are double-checked and screened through Turnitin to ensure 100% original work. A free Turnitin report is provided on request.

Unlimited Amendments

We deliver work that adheres to all given instructions and guidelines. Nonetheless, you can always request free revisions for 90 days until all your needs are met.

Intellectual Property

You retain the complete ownership and intellectual property rights of all materials and documents you share with us, as well as the final product delivered.

Satisfaction Guarantee

Your satisfaction is our top priority and we are confident you will be pleased with our services. Still, in case we are not able to meet your requirements, you can ask for a refund.

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